Thursday, December 26, 2013

can I afford coffee?

I'm a bit of a caffeine junky. I drink a lot of coffee, so this is one area I am a little worried about.

My preferred brank is Dunkin' Donuts. But at $7 for a 12 oz bag, I am thinking  that might be too pricey.

So I did a little test this morning, weighing out the coffee grounds I usually use. Now Kandie and I make our coffee pretty weak. I brewed 9 cups of coffee using 5 scoops of grounds. The grounds weighed about 1 oz. At $7 for 12 oz, that's about $0.59 for 9 cups of coffee. Since I proceeded to drink 6 cups, that's about $0.39. I don't think I can afford to spend more than 10% of my allowed resources on coffee. So that means I will definitely need to go with the HEB brand coffee, at $0.21/oz. At that price, I can get my 6 cups for about $0.14 - much more affordable!

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