Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 8: something fishy

Day 8 started out late on Day 7 - I stayed up late to bake another loaf of wheat bread, and then realized I didn't have a plan for lunch, so I boiled some whole wheat macaroni. That kept me up in the kitchen past 11:30.

I had 2 oz of macaroni, a quarter cup of sauce, and a bratwurst for lunch -

bratwurst      $0.55
wheat mac    $0.14
spag sauce    $0.16
total              $0.84

Backing up, breakfast was a banana ($0.15), and a peanut butter sandwich (3.6 oz of bread, $0.11; 0.7 oz of peanut butter, $0.08). Breakfast total: $0.46.

I didn't really have a plan for dinner tonight. I thought about chicken pot pie, but I'm not sure I can afford it. And by the time I got home tonight, I didn't have the time. I did pick up a can of tuna at the store, so I went with toasted tuna sandwiches.

... and some more of the vinegar and oil cole slaw recipe. I really liked that recipe. I cut the sugar in half - it was too sweet. Even in half, it's still almost like a desert. What's great about the cabbage is how full it leaves me feeling. I don't know how good raw cabbage is for you, but this is a useful diet point for me for the future. Things that are low cal and leave me feeling full are good.

tuna fish  $ 0.37
celery  $ 0.06
cheese  $ 0.47
onion  $ 0.09
mayo  $ 0.05
bread  $ 0.10
cabbage  $ 0.06
sugar  $ 0.01
vinegar  $ 0.01
canola  $ 0.02
total:                     $1.24

I did some prep for tomorrow's lunch and have pics of that for later.

Total spending for the day: $2.60
Total Calories: 1,617

Rounding out the Triad: 

Sleep: not so good last night. Even though I got to bed late, I was still kind of wired, so I lay and read for a bit, not going to sleep until about 12. Since I got up at 0630 for an 0800 appointment, that got me about 6.5 hours of sleep - borderline for me.

Exercise: Went to the gym at lunch and did 26 minutes on the stair climber and 24 on the elliptical for 600 calories. Really struggled on the stair climber - did not have much energy. I don't know if that was diet or just a bad day. I can usually hit my target 300 calories in 24 minutes, but I had to slow my pace down and it took me an additional 2 minutes to finish.

Feel good this evening, all in all - first day of the second week.

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